Current Projects in the MID
RFI: DC MID - 2025 Call for Projects
The DC MID seeks innovative solutions and support from private-sector partners to address key mobility challenges in DC. Through this Request for Information (RFI), the DC MID aims to identify viable solutions and non-financial support needed to demonstrate cutting-edge transportation technologies, business models, and infrastructure improvements. Focus areas include first/last-mile transportation, e-mobility charging, safe streets, event congestion, and curb management.
Submissions are due by April 25th.
Circuit Ridewell
The MID believes transportation is a right, not a privilege, and that transportation systems should be accessible to all. Because of this, we have partnered with Circuit Rideshare to create the Ridewell program. Riders who receive federal benefits such as EBT Cards, discounted utility bills, SSI/SSDI statements of benefits, Medicaid cards, or a VA letter can ride the MID's electric shuttle free of charge.
Southwest Neighborhood Shuttle
In partnership with the Wharf, the DCMID now operates a full bus service to connect some of the Southwest's most significant landmarks, from the National Mall and Smithsonian Museums to the Wharf and the Spy Museum. The bus operates in a loop at these locations.
M-Thu 6:30am – 8:30pm
Fri 6:30am – 10:30pm
Sat 9:30am – 10:30pm
Sun 9:30am – 8:30pm
ChargePoint Chargers at Canal Park
The EV Charging Station Program creates a public space available for EV charging at curbside spaces.
M Street SE Corridor Safety Project
DDOT installed bus lanes on M Street SE as a pilot program to allow for more physical space during COVID-19 as part of a grant to CRBID for the Non-Automotive Mobility Planning Project. The selected plan includes a protected bike lane, shared bus and bike platforms, a bus stop island, and improvements to the median.
Previous Projects
The MID partnered with DC's Department of Energy and Environment and the Living Classrooms to create the city's first E-bike and Cargo E-Bike Library.
Electric bicycles (e-bikes) are made available for short-term borrowing, similar to a traditional library where you borrow books. Users could check out e-bikes for a certain period, use them for commuting or recreation, and then return them to the "library" for others to use.
A collection of E-bikes was available to DCCK students and employees, current and former students of Living Classrooms, DPR employees, DCHA employees, GOODProjects employees, and approved members.
Cargo E-bikes are still available for anyone who lives in Southwest, Capitol Hill, and Navy Yard.
The electrification of the transportation sector is quickly accelerating, driven by growing consumer preference, affordability, and government incentives designed to move industry and consumers to address the climate crisis. Despite increasing investments, access to charging infrastructure is a significant barrier to many people acquiring an electric vehicle. Especially in a dense environment such as SWDC, at-home charging is simply out of the question for many residents.
Request for Information
One of the challenges is creating an integrated financial platform that can link multiple funding sources and make payments to multiple vendors. In addition to providing UBM benefits, such a platform could allow employers, developers, and individuals to load, store, re-up value, and purchase any transportation solution. In addition to the capability to make integrated payments, in an ideal state, the same platform would also be able to help with trip discovery and planning.
Request for Proposals
In recognition that transportation mobility is the foundation of economic mobility, The MID is planning to launch a 12-month Universal Basic Mobility demonstration to provide a direct subsidy for residents to use on transportation options. The MID is issuing a new Call for Projects in order to select a partner to disburse funds to individuals they can use for transportation services.
The goal of the Call for Projects is to seek innovative solutions that can improve the mobility ecosystem in the District of Columbia. Where the DCMID feels that proposed solutions fit the established needs, it will contact vendors to formally discuss potential projects and negotiate a contractual agreement. This ‘Call for Projects’ is not a formal solicitation, and the DCMID is under no obligation to select any of the vendors who respond to this request.
Hello Lamp Post is a two-way communication platform that used mobile phones to engage people in our community. It was a playful platform that invited people to strike up conversations with environmental placement, such as bus stops, the Circuit, parks, and more, while also collecting data and more helpful information for the MID.